Family Sociology
Families, marriage, parenthood
Research findings are presented by main Themes and Keywords.
Comparative and cross-national studies
KEYWORDS: continuity, change, family theories, feminist theory, measuring family behavior, longitudinal family studies, singlehood as lifestyle, dating, courtship, marriage practices, fertility trends, motherhood, childbirth practices, fatherhood, early childhood socialization, adolescents, transition to adulthood, marital relationship, parent-child relationship, sibling relationship, ageing and grandparenting, working couples, dual-income families, breadwinning, family course theory, poverty, conflict prevention, conflict management, spousal violence, in-law conflict, divorce trends, remarriage, stepfamilies, caregivers, cohabitation, the family court, legal protection of minors, legal protection of aged parents, home architecture, working from home.
Quah, S.R. (2020) "Wrestling with role strain in a pandemic: Family, 'Stay-at-home' directive, and the COVID-19 pandemic", Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 51, 3-4, pp. e1-e18.
Quah, S.R. ed. (2015) Routledge Handbook of Families in Asia. London: Routledge. Editor and contributor. [eBook: 9781315881706]
Quah, Stella R. (2015) “Families in Asia: a kaleidoscope of continuity and change”. In S.R. Quah (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Families in Asia. London: Routledge, 3-22.
Quah, Stella R. (2015) “Married couples and the marital relationship in Asia”. In S.R. Quah (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Families in Asia. London: Routledge, 213-229.
Quah, Stella R. and Kumagai, F. (2015) “Dating and courtship”. In S.R. Quah (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Families in Asia. London: Routledge, 111-122.
Quah, Stella R. (2009) Families in Asia. Home and Kin. 2nd Edition. London: Routledge.
Quah, Stella R. (2005) Home and Kin. Families in Asia. Singapore: Marshall Canvendish Academic, x+245 pp. 1st Edition. [First published in 2003, reprinted in 2005].
Quah, Stella (2003) “Major trends affecting families in East and Southeast Asia.” In A. Ghaleb, ed., Major Trends Affecting Families. New York: United Nations, pp. 78-104.
Quah, Stella R. ed. (1990a) The Family as an Asset. An International Perspective on Marriage, Parenthood and Social Policy. Singapore: Times Academic Press. 388pp.
Quah, Stella R. (1990b) "Family as Hindrance or Asset? An Overview of Current Controversies". In Stella R. Quah, ed., The Family as an Asset. An International Perspective on Marriage, Parenthood and Social Policy. Singapore: Times Academic Press (TAP), 1-22.
Quah, Stella R. (1990c) "Marriage and Parenthood as Personal and Social Goals in Singapore". In Stella R. Quah, ed., The Family as an Asset. An International Perspective on Marriage, Parenthood and Social Policy. Singapore: TAP, 247-289.
Quah, Stella R. (1990d) "Family and Social Policy: The Shared Experiences". In Stella R. Quah, ed., The Family as an Asset. An International Perspective on Marriage, Parenthood and Social Policy. Singapore: TAP, 378-384.
KEYWORDS: culture, ethnic group, values, beliefs, parenting, family research
Quah, Stella R. (2003) "Ethnicity and parenting styles among Singaporean families," Marriage and Family Review, Volume 35, No.3/4: 63-83. [This article was reprinted in G.W. Peterson, S.K. Steinmetz, and S.M. Wilson, eds. (2005) Parent-Youth Relations. Cultural and Cross-cultural Perspectives. Binghamton, NY: The Haworth Press, pp. 59-78.]
Quah, Stella R. (1996) "Family Theory and Research in Singapore," Marriage & Family Review, 22, 1/2, 137-180.
Quah, Stella R. (1993) "Bibliography of Studies on the Family in Southeast Asia, Written in English, 1950-89." In S.R. Quah, ed., Asian Sociologists at Work. London: Sage, Current Sociology, vol. 41, No. 1, 107-125.
Quah, Stella (1980) "Sex-role Socialization in a Transitional Society", International Journal of Sociology of the Family, 10, 2, 213-231. Reprinted in L. Tepperman and S.J. Wilson, eds. (1993) Next of Kin. An International Reader on Changing Families. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 172-177].
Quah, Stella R. (1979) "Child Welfare and Socioeconomic Development: the Singapore Experience". In T. N. Chaturvedi, ed., Administration for Child Welfare. New Delhi: Indian Institute of Public Administration, 283-295. Also published in the Indian Journal for Public Administration, 25, 3, 815-827.
Quah, Stella R. (1979) “The Contemporary family in Singapore”. Book Review, Southeast Asian Journal of Social Science, 7, 1: 140-144.
Family in Singapore
KEYWORDS: study of families, marriage, extended families, nuclear families, parenthood, grandparents and social capital, gender and family, conflict resolution, divorce, family court, family legislation, families and schools
Quah, Stella R. (2016) “Singapore families: Stability and diversity in challenging times”. In M. Mathews and W.F. Chiang, eds., Managing Diversity in Singapore: Policies and Prospects. London: Imperial College Press, pp. 265-297.
Quah, Stella (2002) "Family Research in Singapore". In C.K. Tong and K.F. Lian, eds., The Making of Singapore Sociology. Singapore: TAP, pp. 77-129.
Quah, Stella R. (1999) Study on Singapore Families. Singapore: Ministry of Community Development. 83pp.
Quah, Stella (1999) "Women and Development in Singapore." In United Nations, ed., Gender Dimensions of Population and Development in Southeast Asia. New York: UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, pp. 84-113.
Quah, Stella R. (1998) Family in Singapore. Sociological Perspectives. 2nd Edition Revised and Expanded. Singapore: Times Academic Press, vi + 314pp.
Quah, Stella R. (1994) Family in Singapore. Sociological Perspectives. 1st Edition. Singapore: Times Academic Press, 262pp.
Quah, Stella R. (1993) "Marriage and Family." In A.K. Wong and W.K. Leong, eds., Singapore Women. Three Decades of Change. Singapore: Times Academic Press, pp. 20-84.
Quah, Stella R. (1988) Between Two Worlds: Modern Wives in a Traditional Setting. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. 66 pp.
Family conflict
KEYWORDS: divorce, family conflict, grandparents, parent-child relationship; family court.
Quah, Stella R., ed. (2015) Part 7 "Uncertainty, stress and conflict in the family". In Routledge Handbook of Families in Asia. London: Routledge, pp. 301-374. [eBook: 9781315881706]
Quah, Stella R. (2009) "Conflict, divorce and the family court." Chapter 6 in S.R. Quah, Families in Asia. Home and Kin. 2nd Edition. London: Routledge, pp. 129-160.
Ong, Debbie S.L. and Quah, Stella R. (2007) "Grandparenting in Divorced Families," Singapore Journal of Legal Studies, (August), 25-50.
Quah, Stella R. (1993) "The Family Court: A Sociologist's Perspective on Enlightened Collaboration between Law and Social Sciences," Singapore Journal of Legal Studies, July, 102-120.